速報APP / 教育 / ASL Fingerspelling

ASL Fingerspelling





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Mariannenstrasse 96 04315 Leipzig Germany

ASL Fingerspelling(圖1)-速報App

Maximise your memory with a minimum of your time spent. Don't get stuck repeating the same thing a thousand times, only when it'll make the most impact on your mind!

ASL Fingerspelling(圖2)-速報App

Learn and master all the letters and numbers using American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling with a minimum of effort. Once you've got the basic right test your skills with Kathy, who'll fingerspell different words at realistic speeds - can you figure it out for real?

ASL Fingerspelling(圖3)-速報App

Fingerspelling made easy! Please note : This is NOT a practice app as such - this app is designed to familiarise you with the basics. We then offer next steps inside the app for you to deepen your skills.

ASL Fingerspelling(圖4)-速報App

We have sweated and toiled to unlock your natural learning abilities.

ASL Fingerspelling(圖5)-速報App

Our algorithm builds on the pioneering work of memory and learning psychologists, transforming over 150 years of research into app form. It helps you to learn efficiently and almost effortlessly, by reminding you of facts just as you are about to forget them.

This learning application is perfect for transforming wasted time spent siting in a plane, train, car, bathroom, station or office, into time spent bettering your knowledge and mind.